Bag of Bones

Bag of Bones was one of King’s books that affected me deeply. Not only because of the nature of the story but because though it was released in 1998, I read it as my daughter was in the hospital after being diagnosed with diabetes, and in which we really thought she would succumb to the highs and lows of stabilising her blood sugar. 

Mike Noonan is a writer who is suffering from severe writer’s block. He is mourning his wife who passed away four years earlier from a brain aneurysm while carrying the couple’s child. 

He decides to visit their summer home on Dark Score Lake in Maine. He hadn’t been back since his wife passed away, finding the memories, and the loneliness too much to handle. 

His first journey out brings him in contact with a three year old girl named Kyra and her very young mother named Mattie. 

Mike learns that Kyra’s grandfather, Max, is very elderly and very rich and believes that Mattie is an unfit mother. He has tried every trick in his arsenal to gain custody of Kyra and ruin Mattie. So far, he has been unsuccessful.

Not knowing why, Mike feels a closeness to this young mother and hires an attorney to help her fight her father in law in court. 

During the course of the novel Max tries to get rid of Mike eventually trying to drown him to get him out of his way. 

As ghosts possess Mike and attempt to get him to commit murder, his wife’s ghost stops him, and points him to a stunning realisation.

The novel comes to a conclusion in the most beautiful way. Which had me sobbing into a hospital blanket trying to not attract the attention of the nurses. 

Pick this up in store today!

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